Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Update - Sounds and Sound Interaction

We've combined the results of last time's competition, taking ideas from the other teams into one idea.

1. Approaching a Module.
If someone is near a module, or in between two, a range finder will detect them and activate a chime sound to indicate that the module can be interacted with and involves sound. Similarly, if the range finder is activated but none of the sensors have been activated in a certain amount of time the chime sound will again play, beckoning people to come interact with it.

2. Under the arch. We take Team 5's concept of combining range finders with IR pairs in order to measure the height at which the IR beam was broken. One instrument will have three pitches or note combinations staggered along the height of the angle under the arch. If the beam is broken higher up, the higher note combination will be played and vice versa.

3. Sensor Interaction. As we described last time, multiple sensor activation is rewarded, encouraging community participation. The sensors will represent one of 4-5 instruments. When one is activated alone, it will play a short rhythm or beat. If 2 are activated, a short song will play involving the instruments of those two sensors. As more sensors are activated at the same time, a richer, more complicated song will play. It becomes a challenge for interactors to find the hidden songs in the module (3-4 perhaps). In order to allow a person interacting alone to find the songs, there will be a small time window (perhaps 1-3 seconds) for other sensors to be activated once one sensor is activated and then trigger a song.

After looking at the physical construction of the modules, it seems to make more sense to simply put an IR pair across the underside. When the IR beam is broken, a sound should be triggered.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Progress Report Week 9

The idea:
Use photo resistors to play sounds such that, when a photo resistor is covered, a sound plays once, and when multiple resistors are covered a different sound loops.

The design:
Our original idea last week was to use two arduino boards linked together, one connected to all of the photo resistors and the other connected to the wave shield. We thought that we would need two arduinos because it was our understanding that the wave sheild would occupy all but 3 or 4 of the pins on the arduino. To our delight, the wave shield actually left us with access to 10 analog pins, and because of this we only needed one arduino board to accomplish our task.
The Prototype:
Wave Shield
We first had to build the wave shield. This was mostly done by Anna. The construction went smoothly without any soldering mistakes. After the wave shield was constructed, we attached it to the arduino and soldered it into place. With the wave shield firmly attached to the arduino we had to find an SD card that we could use with the card. The SD card ended up being one of the more problematic aspects of the prototype, and we were confused as to why one was not included with the technology kit. Luckily one of our team members had a mircoSD card and adapter (to regular SD size) that we could load wav files onto. The SD card had to be formatted to FAT16, which required a bit of a work around on a mac (View complete process here). With a properly formatted Card, we were able to run the example arduino code and hear our audio files through the wave shield!
Photo Resistors
Our next task was to construct a circuit with a photo resistor that we could use to call the play() function on the wave shield. It took us some time to remember how to correctly organize all of the resistors and photocells and wires, but eventually we created a working circuit. From there we began to add conditional statements such that if the photocell circuit was being covered, it would play a sound. We were able to successfully connect the photocell to the play() function in the wave shield, and we then began to adapt the example wave shield code to play specific files from the SD card when a specific photocell was covered.
SD Card - We didn't have one in our Tech kit.
Our SD adapter frequently gives us the error that the card failed to initialize, we believe this is just a hardware error, because if we simply redeploy it will work.
Because the Wave shield has slots for wires to be soldered in place, it was fairly annoying to try and test with unsoldered wires. They kept popping out of their slots, and sometimes the connection was not reliable.
We discovered that the original headphones we were using were broken, and had to switch to using earbuds.

The Working Prototype

Phase 2: Getting the sound to work...

This week we hashed out the digital interaction and got a sample working on our newly soldered wave shield-arduino sandwich. The soldering could be a bit tricky, but was overall a lot of fun. As far as programming, the wave shied site was incredibly helpful.

The photo above if from an initial try, but as of now we can activate two photoresistors independently. If - looking at the diagram below - you activate only photoresistor A, it will place its wav file. If you activate only photoresistor B, it will place its wav file. If both are activated together, the system will play and loop a wav file that is the combination of A and B's sounds. For example, if A is a trumpet melody and B is a drum beat, A-B will a trumpet-drum beat loop.
We are estimating approximately 8 photoresistors per module, so there will have to be a wav file for every distinct combination of 8.

Some possible issues we came across while testing:
  • Cloudy Days. We noticed that the numbers output by the photoresistor changed a great deal when we closed the blinds, or the sun went away. This affected our parameters for when the sound should go off.
  • Range of Photoresistors. We aren't sure of the maximum distance that will set off the resistors. Would a shadow from a few feet away do it? This might not be a problem, but something to investigate.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Progress Report Week 8

For this week, our team discussed how to design the digital interaction for the overall
piece, and how we could implement it. Below are our notes on the types of interactions and how
the interaction would work. Also below are several images of ways to help convey the digital
interactions to users. We also found a website with all the information we would need to
accomplish setting up parts of the digital aspect.

Range finders detect distance.

Use two arduinos on one module

Interaction scenarios:

Make an improvisation song

sitting on it and read (one noise attivation)

Marco Polo


Running Past


Crawling Under

Jump on/off

Records (a red circle with black hand on it)


Use as a home base



Stand on

Walk towards it

Different sound for different range for range finders

Loops rhythm if 2 hands activated. ( Sound 1, Sound 2. Together = Sound 6)

Hold two hand prints and they repeat.

Hide handprints (Exploration)

Abstract Instrument (Travis’ idea)


“Play” Hand Print

Smear Hand with 3 photosensors

Temporary recording of the “song” or interaction. If you hit the “Play Hand” and hold it. Then you can activate more sensors and add to the existing beat, as long as the play hand is activated. If there are no prior activations, it should still play something (ga tech sound?). Maybe play back last 5 beats (to rep 4 fingers/ 1 thumb). Body Remixing. Encourages Community

About 6 hand prints per structure

Each hand print a different color

What kinds of sounds?

- Congo beats

- Nature sounds

- Digital sounds

- How far can you hear the sounds?

To accomplish building the digital aspect:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Progress Report Week 7

We've decided to put aside the idea of using LEDs in conjunction with sound for this project. After testing the plausibility of LEDs in a real world scenario, we found them to not be very noticeable, even in the shade. We feel that with the limited amount of time that we have for this project, our final product would be far more polished if we were to focus exclusively on the sound interaction with the piece. We can dedicate our time to creating a sound interaction that is inherently connected to the physical space as well as the physical interaction.

Parts List per Module : 127.76

Arduino Duemilonove

Cost: $29.00

# Needed: 1/arch = $29.00


Operating Voltage 5V

Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V

Input Voltage (limits)6-20V Digital I/O Pins14 (6 provide PWM output) Analog Input Pins6

DC Current per I/O Pin40 mA

DC Current for 3.3V Pin50 mA

Flash Memory 16 KB (ATmega168) or 32 KB (ATmega328),2 KB used by bootloader

SRAM1 KB (ATmega168) or 2 KB (ATmega328) EEPROM512 bytes (ATmega168) or 1 KB (ATmega328)

The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 volts. If supplied with less than 7V, however, the 5V pin may supply less than five volts and the board may be unstable. If using more than 12V, the voltage regulator may overheat and damage the board. The recommended range is 7 to 12 volts.

IR Sensor/Emitter Sets

Cost: $1.76 (10-99 order)

# Needed: 4/arch = $7.04


Description: Side-looking Infrared Emitters and IR Detectors. These simple devices operate at 940nm and work well for generic IR systems including remote control and touch-less object sensing. Using a simple ADC on any microcontroller will allow variable readings to be collected from the detector. The emitter is driven up to 50mA with a current limiting resistor as with any LED device. The detect is a NPN transistor that is biased by incoming IR light.


Cost: $1.35 (10+)

# Needed: 1/arch = $1.35


PHOTOCELL,150 mW, 200 VPK, 3.6 Kohm



Cost: $1.95

# Needed: 2/arch = $3.90


Small Size

Power rating: 0.5W

Impedance: 8 ohm


Cost: $18

# Needed: 1/arch = $18


500 mA ; 7.5 W ; 15V DC

Solar Cell

Cost: $34.95

# Needed: 1/arch = $34.95


2.5 Watts

Description: Packaged solar cell with barrel plug termination. This is a custom cell produced for SFE - not a small toy surplus item! This unit is rated for 8V open voltage and 310mA short circuit. We actually took a random unit outside and measured 9.15V open voltage and 280mA short circuit. Under ideal sun conditions (high-noon, clear sky) 310mA is very possible but will vary from cell to cell. We can even get 110mA from inside our office windows! Termination is a 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel plug, center positive on a 2m cable. Monocrystalline high efficiency cells at 15-15.2%. Mates directly with many of our development boards. Unit has a clear epoxy resin coating with hard-board backing. Robust sealing for out door applications!
Dimensions: 7 x 4.5"

NiCd A Flat Top Battery A Nickel Cadmium Industrial Rechargeable Battery

Cost: $4.19

# Needed: 8/arch = $33.52

Specs: A Nickel Cadmium Industrial Rechargeable Battery NiCd A Flat Top Battery NUN1400-AF. Top quality cells make top quality batteries. Get the right cell and have one of our Battery Experts assemble a pack to power your application. Talk to a Battery Expert at one of our stores regarding battery assembly and custom design capabilities using NiCd or NiMH cells.

Item number: NUN1400-AF

Weight: 0.1000 lbs

Voltage: 1.2V

Capacity: 1400MAH

Primary Applications: Battery pack assembly, industrial use and more

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Progress Report Week 6


After last week's class, where it was decided that the class would be merging the concepts from teams 2, 4 (us), and 7. We had to reevaluate our ideas about how we wanted people to interact with the structure. We broke down our design into the basic concepts that we liked, and the problems that had arisen.

What we liked:
1) An inviting play-space that encouraged people to come closer and touch
2) Smooth arches that evoked the idea of motion
3) A digital interaction that was intrinsic to the physical structure
1) Looked out of place at the installation site ("dropped in")
2) Not accessible to wheelchairs
3) Not 'artistic' enough

It was said last week that the main appeal of team two, which all groups should strive for was the sinusoidal look of the structures when viewed from the side. To whit, we have decided to nix a few of our original ideas to better suit the professor's goals.


1) Double Arches
One of the strongest aspects of our original design was the piggy-backing arches, which afforded sitting (in two orientations), climbing, and tunneling. Unfortunately when viewed from the side, the double arches did not convey the sense of smooth flow that is associated with a sinusoidal wave. We are adopting Team 7's approach of having individual arches arranged in a staggered line.
2) Sensors
We are actually still going to be using 8 pressure sensors in our new concept, but they will be used in conjunction with IR sensors.
New Concept

Our new concept still centers around the physical embodiment of a song, but this time we are approaching it in a way that will be more recognizable. We are expanding on Team 3's idea to use the structure as a beat synthesizer. There will be a set of 16 fiberglass arches, 8 large arches (5' tall) and 8 small arches (2.5' tall). Each arch will represent a percussive beat that is played in sequence.

How it works
Each arch will come equipped with a speaker to play the sound clip associated with that arch. Each arch has an Arduino controller board installed into the underside of the arch. A master Arduino controller will send out commands to the individual arches' control boards in a timed sequence; the individual boards will then check to see if the sensor on their arch is being triggered. If the sensor on that arch is being triggered, the board will produce the percussive sound associated with that arch out of the speaker located on that arch. In this manner, if all of the arches are being triggered, a percussive beat will play in time down the line of arches, creating a rhythm.

The interaction
So assuage some of the concerns from our last iteration, we have added a new method of interaction. In the larger arches, we will be placing two sets of IR sensors on the inside of the arches. These will be positioned such that the beams travel horizontally through the arch. One IR sensor will be positioned roughly a foot of the ground; this sensor is connected to the percussive beat. When the master controller sends out a check signal to the larger arches, the controller board will check to see if the lower IR beam is being disrupted, if so, it will play a percussive sound. The upper IR beam is dedicated to an entirely separate sound, a melodious sound. Whenever the user interrupts the top IR beam, the melodious tone will play out of a second speaker in the arch. This allows users to create their own distinctive melodies, and also allows people in wheelchairs to interact with the structure. In the smaller arches, there will still be a pressure sensor, so that when people sit on the arch, it produces a beat at that arch in time with the percussion.
There would also be a light display on the underside of the arches to give a visual sense of the rhythm. Each module would be painted a different color, and there would be sixteen rows of LEDs of corresponding colors. Whenever a beat is triggered, the corresponding LEDs on all sets of arches would light up, giving an overview of the rhythm through a visual medium.

1) The IR sensors would obviously be built into the fiberglass on the sides of the arch.
2) The pressure sensors would be built into the top of the smaller arch, in the form of a smaller, imbedded strip on a spring that spans the width of the arch.
1) In the larger arches, there would be sixteen rows of 4 LEDs spanning the underside of the arch. Each row corresponding to one of the arches in the sequence.
2) In the smaller arches, 8 rows of LEDs (2 each) would span the underside of the arch, with the LEDS near the edges
Solar Panels
1) We are going to be using organic solar panels, because of their low cost and flexibility, which would allow them to be installed on a curved surface.
2) The solar panels will be installed on the tops of all the arches
Controller Boards
1) The Arduino control boards will be installed on the underside of the arches
1) The wiring will be run on the underside of the arches, with outlets to connect the arches together at the bottom edges of the arches.

We also came up with the idea of using natural sunlight as a method of triggering sounds. The design is based around using reflective surfaces to bounce natural sunlight into different light sensors and trigger a sound to play (once) when the light reaches a certain threshold. In this way, walking around the structures would generate a song from the different modules. The sun itself would also act as performer, as the light patterns would change throughout the day, triggering different tones to play, behaving much like an auditory clock. We would also use the reflections of the sun to paint different patterns of light onto the ground.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Redesign I

We've settled on a revision of both physical structure and digital components. Understanding the digital aspects and interactions afforded were necessary to making design decisions about the structure.

Overall Concept
The playground itself is a musical instrument that can be interacted with to simultaneously make auditory and visual melodies. The smaller arch in our double arch module will serve as an input equipped with pressure sensors and some lights. It will be thicker to accommodate the electrical equipment. The underside of the larger arch will contain many lights. When someone activates the pressure sensor (hitting, standing, sitting on it), the led lights become activated along with a particular sound. The sound produced will be mapped to the size of the structure (larger arches or slides might have lower sounds) and also relative to the structures next to it. Structures in close proximity will be on similar scales or chords so that activating them in unison will still produce a pleasant sound.

Figure 1. Digital components of one module

Figure 2. High level view of playground

Figure 2 above illustrates the 4 sections of our redesign. Each black "triangle" represents a section of double-arch modules (Figure 1) placed side by side. There are three distinct pods where interactors can, for example, sit, climb, slide and tunnel. Interactors can also see others playing on the other pods. At the same time, the pods flow into each other, encouraging movement. The center structure functions as a visually aesthetic piece to sit on and perhaps drum. Each pod is wired to produce different kinds of sounds (percussion and melodious) when the pressure sensors are activated.

At night, the lights under the larger arches become activated to glow in a pattern. If interactors set off the sensors in time with the glowing of the light, they will produce a harmonious melody. It is a visual and physical representation of a song that is constantly going on.

During the day, the lights are less visible, but setting off the sensors will still afford making harmonious sounds without the scaffolding of the lights. The structure can be hit on the small-arch side to set off lights under the larger arch, which when arranged closely form a tunnel.