Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Update - Sounds and Sound Interaction
1. Approaching a Module. If someone is near a module, or in between two, a range finder will detect them and activate a chime sound to indicate that the module can be interacted with and involves sound. Similarly, if the range finder is activated but none of the sensors have been activated in a certain amount of time the chime sound will again play, beckoning people to come interact with it.
2. Under the arch. We take Team 5's concept of combining range finders with IR pairs in order to measure the height at which the IR beam was broken. One instrument will have three pitches or note combinations staggered along the height of the angle under the arch. If the beam is broken higher up, the higher note combination will be played and vice versa.
3. Sensor Interaction. As we described last time, multiple sensor activation is rewarded, encouraging community participation. The sensors will represent one of 4-5 instruments. When one is activated alone, it will play a short rhythm or beat. If 2 are activated, a short song will play involving the instruments of those two sensors. As more sensors are activated at the same time, a richer, more complicated song will play. It becomes a challenge for interactors to find the hidden songs in the module (3-4 perhaps). In order to allow a person interacting alone to find the songs, there will be a small time window (perhaps 1-3 seconds) for other sensors to be activated once one sensor is activated and then trigger a song.
After looking at the physical construction of the modules, it seems to make more sense to simply put an IR pair across the underside. When the IR beam is broken, a sound should be triggered.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Progress Report Week 9
Phase 2: Getting the sound to work...
The photo above if from an initial try, but as of now we can activate two photoresistors independently. If - looking at the diagram below - you activate only photoresistor A, it will place its wav file. If you activate only photoresistor B, it will place its wav file. If both are activated together, the system will play and loop a wav file that is the combination of A and B's sounds. For example, if A is a trumpet melody and B is a drum beat, A-B will a trumpet-drum beat loop.

Some possible issues we came across while testing:
- Cloudy Days. We noticed that the numbers output by the photoresistor changed a great deal when we closed the blinds, or the sun went away. This affected our parameters for when the sound should go off.
- Range of Photoresistors. We aren't sure of the maximum distance that will set off the resistors. Would a shadow from a few feet away do it? This might not be a problem, but something to investigate.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Progress Report Week 8
piece, and how we could implement it. Below are our notes on the types of interactions and how
the interaction would work. Also below are several images of ways to help convey the digital
interactions to users. We also found a website with all the information we would need to
accomplish setting up parts of the digital aspect.
Range finders detect distance.
Use two arduinos on one module
Interaction scenarios:
Make an improvisation song
sitting on it and read (one noise attivation)
Marco Polo
Running Past
Crawling Under
Jump on/off
Records (a red circle with black hand on it)
Use as a home base
Stand on
Walk towards it
Different sound for different range for range finders
Loops rhythm if 2 hands activated. ( Sound 1, Sound 2. Together = Sound 6)
Hold two hand prints and they repeat.
Hide handprints (Exploration)
Abstract Instrument (Travis’ idea)
“Play” Hand Print
Smear Hand with 3 photosensors
Temporary recording of the “song” or interaction. If you hit the “Play Hand” and hold it. Then you can activate more sensors and add to the existing beat, as long as the play hand is activated. If there are no prior activations, it should still play something (ga tech sound?). Maybe play back last 5 beats (to rep 4 fingers/ 1 thumb). Body Remixing. Encourages Community
About 6 hand prints per structure
Each hand print a different color
What kinds of sounds?
- Nature sounds
- Digital sounds
- How far can you hear the sounds?
To accomplish building the digital aspect:
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Progress Report Week 7

Parts List per Module : 127.76
Arduino Duemilonove
Cost: $29.00
# Needed: 1/arch = $29.00
Operating Voltage 5V
Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V
Input Voltage (limits)6-20V Digital I/O Pins14 (6 provide PWM output) Analog Input Pins6
DC Current per I/O Pin40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin50 mA
Flash Memory 16 KB (ATmega168) or 32 KB (ATmega328),2 KB used by bootloader
SRAM1 KB (ATmega168) or 2 KB (ATmega328) EEPROM512 bytes (ATmega168) or 1 KB (ATmega328)
The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 volts. If supplied with less than 7V, however, the 5V pin may supply less than five volts and the board may be unstable. If using more than 12V, the voltage regulator may overheat and damage the board. The recommended range is 7 to 12 volts.
IR Sensor/Emitter Sets
Cost: $1.76 (10-99 order)
# Needed: 4/arch = $7.04
Description: Side-looking Infrared Emitters and IR Detectors. These simple devices operate at 940nm and work well for generic IR systems including remote control and touch-less object sensing. Using a simple ADC on any microcontroller will allow variable readings to be collected from the detector. The emitter is driven up to 50mA with a current limiting resistor as with any LED device. The detect is a NPN transistor that is biased by incoming IR light.
Cost: $1.35 (10+)
# Needed: 1/arch = $1.35
PHOTOCELL,150 mW, 200 VPK, 3.6 Kohm
Cost: $1.95
# Needed: 2/arch = $3.90
Small Size
Power rating: 0.5W
Impedance: 8 ohm
Cost: $18
# Needed: 1/arch = $18
500 mA ; 7.5 W ; 15V DC
Solar Cell
Cost: $34.95
# Needed: 1/arch = $34.95
2.5 Watts
Description: Packaged solar cell with barrel plug termination. This is a custom cell produced for SFE - not a small toy surplus item! This unit is rated for 8V open voltage and 310mA short circuit. We actually took a random unit outside and measured 9.15V open voltage and 280mA short circuit. Under ideal sun conditions (high-noon, clear sky) 310mA is very possible but will vary from cell to cell. We can even get 110mA from inside our office windows! Termination is a 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel plug, center positive on a 2m cable. Monocrystalline high efficiency cells at 15-15.2%. Mates directly with many of our development boards. Unit has a clear epoxy resin coating with hard-board backing. Robust sealing for out door applications!
Dimensions: 7 x 4.5"
NiCd A Flat Top Battery A Nickel Cadmium Industrial Rechargeable Battery
Cost: $4.19
# Needed: 8/arch = $33.52
Specs: A Nickel Cadmium Industrial Rechargeable Battery NiCd A Flat Top Battery NUN1400-AF. Top quality cells make top quality batteries. Get the right cell and have one of our Battery Experts assemble a pack to power your application. Talk to a Battery Expert at one of our stores regarding battery assembly and custom design capabilities using NiCd or NiMH cells.
• Item number: NUN1400-AF
• Weight: 0.1000 lbs
• Voltage: 1.2V
• Capacity: 1400MAH
• Primary Applications: Battery pack assembly, industrial use and more
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Progress Report Week 6
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Redesign I
Overall Concept
The playground itself is a musical instrument that can be interacted with to simultaneously make auditory and visual melodies. The smaller arch in our double arch module will serve as an input equipped with pressure sensors and some lights. It will be thicker to accommodate the electrical equipment. The underside of the larger arch will contain many lights. When someone activates the pressure sensor (hitting, standing, sitting on it), the led lights become activated along with a particular sound. The sound produced will be mapped to the size of the structure (larger arches or slides might have lower sounds) and also relative to the structures next to it. Structures in close proximity will be on similar scales or chords so that activating them in unison will still produce a pleasant sound.
Figure 2 above illustrates the 4 sections of our redesign. Each black "triangle" represents a section of double-arch modules (Figure 1) placed side by side. There are three distinct pods where interactors can, for example, sit, climb, slide and tunnel. Interactors can also see others playing on the other pods. At the same time, the pods flow into each other, encouraging movement. The center structure functions as a visually aesthetic piece to sit on and perhaps drum. Each pod is wired to produce different kinds of sounds (percussion and melodious) when the pressure sensors are activated.
At night, the lights under the larger arches become activated to glow in a pattern. If interactors set off the sensors in time with the glowing of the light, they will produce a harmonious melody. It is a visual and physical representation of a song that is constantly going on.
During the day, the lights are less visible, but setting off the sensors will still afford making harmonious sounds without the scaffolding of the lights. The structure can be hit on the small-arch side to set off lights under the larger arch, which when arranged closely form a tunnel.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Progress Report - Week 4
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Weekly Update #3 - Conceptual Design Process

The last couple weeks can be characterized by one word: iteration. In preparation for this week's design competition, each of us has been actively mocking up designs and making models, both physical and digital. You can see the fruits of our labor in the above poster, but it was quite the process getting there. Early last week we were still toggling between geometric themes but ultimately - based on feedback from the one-minute madness - decided to focus on the arch and see what we could come up with. After an inspired meeting last Thursday, we came up with an idea involving arches, climbing, and mesh. Here are some images from the first iteration:

After considering our budget and resources further - and after feedback from Claudia discouraging the use of mesh - we decided to simplify even more and focus on just a few kinds of arches. This would reduce the number of molds we would need to make. Jonathan's class workshop about fiberglass was key in guiding us toward this decision. Here are some images from our next iteration:
At this point, we knew what kind of shapes we were using and basic interactions - arches to form slides, climbing, crawling through tunnels - but had not finalized on a technology concept. After much back and forth discussions, we ultimately decided on putting infrared sensors into the climbing holes that would activate LED lights to turn on or off. This would be visible from beneath the arches or, since the LEDs would be in the holes, fairly visible from the outside. We thought this could encourage individual and group light games and a form of "light graffiti".
From there, we delegated tasks. We had a clear idea of the kind of shapes we were working with and needed to complete the other components for the design competition. Each of us took a role: poster design, poster text, budget, concept finalization, and model construction. We really needed to know the budget to see just how much would be possible for 24 modules and whether we needed to adapt the design. We came back together and discussed the budget, determining would go over at about $4,800. However, given our constraints for 24 modules, we were uncomfortable reducing our design, or buying less fiberglass and weakening the structure. Ultimately, we decided to create two budgets, one ideal and the other reduced. Some images from iteration 3, the final iteration before the competition:
Scroll back to the top to see the final design poster.
One thing we were proud of was that it was really everyone's input that contributed to the final design. Go Team NameTeam!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Edward T. Hall, The Hidden Dimension, Chapters IX & X
Later on in the chapter, Hall makes the interesting assertion that “whenever people talk, they supply only part of the message. The rest is filled in by the listener.” I found that to be intriguing. In other words, it is as though there is much interpretation that goes on in our daily lives that involves what I would call “faith”, or more commonly, “trust”.
As Hall continues his discourse on fixed-feature space and architecture, he makes a very interesting comment on people who live “two lives”: “I have observed that many men have two or more distinct personalities, one for business and one for the home. The separation of the office and home in these instances helps to keep the two often incompatible personalities from conflicting…” I found this to be a very interesting note. How long can a double-life society thrive? Is architecture really the “cure” for taming humans to cope with our various lives?
Later, Hall makes another interesting note when he critiques modern day architecture/construction trends: “We are building huge apartment houses and mammoth office buildings with no understanding of the needs of the occupants.” To me, this note only further points out the inhumanity of the typical corporate America form of business. There is just something more natural about more traditional blue collar jobs e.g. farming, building with your own two hands, etc.
Towards the end of the chapter, Hall provides numerous pictures of various social interactions, architectural setups and styles, etc. He made an interesting assertion when he pointed out that “the French tendency to pack together…suggest the resulting high sensory involvement evident in many aspects of French life.”
The end of the chapter involves a discussion on “semifixed feature space”, which as I understand, is basically the concept of sociofugal and sociopetal spaces; that is to say that semifixed feature space involves the study of spaces that are attractive for social interaction or not.
Chapter 10 more specifically delves into a study of how people personally operate with spaces. In other words, I suppose it’s more of a personal look at spaces than Chapter 9. Hall divides the “distances of man” into 4 categories (which he had simplified from his original, overly complex 8 categories): intimate, personal, social, and public. Hall then proceeds to elaborate upon each of these categories with much precision. He even enumerates various distances for each categories as well as the biological senses involved, etc. Hall says that humans, like the rest of the animals, exhibit territoriality. He notes that his 4-part classification is based upon observation.
Hall says that “The ability to recognize these various zones of involvement…has now become extremely important. The world’s populations are crowding into cities…” While I find that Hall lists some interesting points about human space, I feel that there are more worthwhile issues with which to be concerned. To classify the recognition of these zones as being “extremely important” is, in my opinion, a little bit overkill. Nevertheless, city planners, etc. who take these sorts of zones studies into account will most likely design better cities.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
This particular reading discusses several ways to incorporate a communication between the
user and a machine when designing any kind of product. The first note that the author talks about
is the importance of feedback from the machine to the operator. The reading states that the feedback
of any machine is important to allow the user if the machine is working as it should. One example
of the importance of feedback would be the revving of a car engine when you insert and turn
the ignition key. The revving of the engine indicates to the driver that his/her car is in working
condition. However, this example goes against one of the author's beliefs about feedback. The author
believes that feedback is important when operating or interacting with anything, however, the feedback
should be relayed through some ambient medium, as opposed to the loud revving of the car engine
on start up.
The next concept that the reading discusses is the concept of implementing natural and deliberate signals
to the user of any product. Whether the communication is between two or more people, or a person and a
machine, the signals that are used to indicate methods of use must be carried out in a clear, calm, and
naturally feeling manner so as to avoid confusion and any negative outcomes. One example the author uses
to demonstrate this is the use of one person's hands to signal a driver on how to navigate his car into a difficult
parking space. In the example, the hand motions and signals are clear and fluid, therefore the driver can
easily understand what to do in order to make his car fit into the space. To work in conjunction with this concept, the author then mentions the concept of natural mapping of components to a device. The example
used to clarify natural mapping are the locations of the stove top dials. The reading mentions how the four
tops of the stove are arranged as the corners to a square or rectangular shape, however the dials to turn on
each top's gas is arranged in a straight line. Because of this, each dial has to have a label indicating which top
it turns on. However, the author believes that if the dials were arranged in the same shape as the tops, the
labels would become unnecessary.
The final point that the author mentions involves six basic principles to be aware of when designing any kind
of product. The six points are as follows:
1) Provide rich, complex, and natural signals for communication
2) Be predictable
3) Provide a good conceptual model
4) Make the output understandable
5) Provide continual awareness, without annoyance
6) Exploit natural mappings to make interactions understandable and effective
I believe that we can apply most of these six concepts into our designs for our class project.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Dourish: Where the Action is (ch6, Moving Toward Design)
1. Computation is a medium
2. Meaning arises on multiple levels
3. Users, not designers, create and communicate meaning
4. Users, not designers, manage coupling
5. Embodied technologies participate in the world they represent
6. Embodied interaction turns action into meaning
Dourish then proceeds to provide a lot of reasoning, real-world examples, etc. to back up his principles.
The final section of this chapter is entitled “Beyond the Principles.” In it, Dourish interestingly sums up his perspective on the nature of his principles, how they might be implemented, etc.: “Presenting the design implications as principles as I have done here is certainly problematic. For one thing, the principles overlap and interact in a variety of ways; they are certainly not distinct. For another, they suggest directions but do not provide hard-and-fast recipes. However one reason to explore general principles rather than specific design recommendations is in the hope that they will be a little more robust to the rapid pace of technical development.” He goes on to say that “The principles are a starting point, then. They serve to orient us to a set of issues that any specific design may need to explore in more detail. They are the start of a much longer story.”
Physical Interfaces and Electonic Arts (Bongers 2000)
Bongers also goes into depth about the mechanics of digital sound and sensing technologies, using several examples of digital instruments from his research. Sensors translate "physical energy (from the outside world) into electricity (into the machine world)". Actuators perform the opposite function. Some examples of sensors are: kinetic (pressure, torque, inertia), light, sound, temperature, smell, humidity, electricity, magnetism, and electro-magnetism (radio waves). Some examples of human modalities that would be read are muscle action, blowing, voice, blood pressure, and heart rate. Bongers' taxonomy of movements is as follows: Muscle action - either isometric (pressure) or movement (displacement). Movement - either mechanical contact (rotary pots/dials) or contactless (ultrasound, motion sensors)
Weekly Update #2 - 1/27/2010
- A field of half cylinder structures that would allow kids to play on top and underneath
- A house like structure made of railroad ties that would allow kids to both climb on the exterior and explore the interior
- A repeating ridge type structure with sound sensors located throughout. The sound sensors would be connected to lights which would change color or intensity based on the play taking place The interior structure would glow during the day and the exterior at night. Also the sound sensor sensitivity would be turned up at night so that it will respond to ambient noise.
- A series of blocks with embedded proximity sensors that will cause the blocks to glow when a person walks past. The length of time the block stays on could be adjusted for a variety of games and exploration.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
This reading discussed a form of human computer interaction
that involved the manipulation of data by attaching the data to
real, physical objects, called "Tangible Bits". The author's goal
for tangible bits is to devise a way that can join the physical world
with cyberspace by use of interactive surfaces, coupling a bit and
an atom, and the use of ambient media. The reading went on to
highlight these three key concepts of the tangible bits by introducing
three projects that involved these mechanics.
The first project was the metaDESK, in which the user would instantiate
GUI based devices from a simple window, and then the devices would then
be projected by the machine in order for the user to have full, physical
interactions with the tools at his/her disposal.
The next project that was mentioned was called ambientROOM. This device
was designed to be a complement to the metaDESK's interface design with its
use and manipulation of ambient media, which includes lighting, shadows,
airflow, water, and sound. The use of the ambient media is designed so that
the system can relay information to the user through the boundaries of human
The last project mentioned was the transBOARD, which when combined with
an interactive surface, absorbs the information of physical objects that are around
it and interacting with it. Once the information has been absorbed, it is then
transformed into digital bits, and released into cyberspace.
From this reading, I can tell that it would be possible to incorporate the concept
of ambient media into our project, and possibly the interactive surfaces to a lesser
extent than that of the metaDESK. However, I do not believe it is possible to
incorporate a system such as the one found in the transBOARD to meld the physical
play space with the cybernetic world.
Reiser - Interactivity, Public Art, and Architecture
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
LeFaivre: Ground-Up City
Summary of Senda's Play Structure pp. 11-43
CABE Space: Designing and Planning for Space
CABE Space (the author(s)) gives a couple examples of other places where there are "successful" playspaces. Some such spaces include more natural spaces--spaces where dirt, sand, etc. are accessible by children. Other successful spaces are ones that are not just mere formulaic "KFC" (kit, fence, and carpet) playgrounds. CABE Space also suggests that open play areas (i.e. non-easily recognizable play area) are good too. Similarly, they suggest that many play ground constructors are overly concerned with safety. CABE Space notes that Play expert Tim Gill "...believes that these countries are getting it right primarily because landscape architects enjoy a much closer involvement in the process. The starting point is a holistic look at the site, rather than at what pieces of equipment should be bought." CABE Space offers many ideas and thoughts about play, and they list 10 "specific" suggestions for practitioners to consider when constructing a play space. They sum their thoughts in what they call the "one golden rule": a successful play space is a place in its own right, specially designed for its location, in such a way as to provide as much play value as possible.