Friday, January 15, 2010

Progress Report #1 1/15/10

Weekly Meetings, Tuesday 4:30 @ SC

Travis: half-pipe with fiber optics, waves of color going down the tunnel. pressure sensors on the outside/xylophone. If you hit the outside, on the inside it changes colors (ex - blue/green to red). domes with holes on the end. safety exit in middle.

Take elements from existing playgrounds:
- things with bars, outline of cubes
- places to hide
- climbing
- narrative
- metal cacti
- pirate wheel
- tether ball
- sound wall (whisper and hear each other)

Involve adults and children
Get parents to play with their kids with/on/in the structure
- benches
- trail surrounding the structure

- nature
spiral trench of dirt /gardening
garden, synthetic light
- education
learning with physical motion (jumping or tugging)
Physics (Rube Goldberg)
- narrative
wrecked ship
tree house
outer space
swiss family robinson
- Food
- Music
speaking sound-transferring things (whistling affecting something)
sliding pipes for kids to rearrange
musical instrument that is also a structure to be climbed on
- swinging, tire swing, climbing with pipe structure
- space for competition
battle with light
human pong

--> come up with unifying
theme and narrative, role play space

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